Well I am in the hospital. Finally got my internet connection up and running woohoo! I went to the doctor on Tuesday. They hooked me up to the NST and the baby was not reactive (meaning more than 3 acclerations in 30 minutes). Midwife wanted to do a BPP (Bio-Physical Profile) which is they want 2 movements & 2 kicks in 30 minutes. We were not prepared for what they said next. She is measuring two weeks behind and they wanted me to go see the perinatologist immediately. They sent me next door to the hospital and I saw Dr. S and he confirmed that yes she was two weeks behind in growth. Weighing 3.4 lbs. He diagnosed me with IUGR (Inter-uterine growth retardation) he recommended I stay in the hospital until delivery to monitor her and recommended inducing me at 36 weeks which is on March 21st. So I am here for a while. I am scared to death I know she will be in NICU for a while and they sent a neonatologist in to discuss that with me. I am trying to prepare for that emotionally. Dr. L said she shouldn't be in NICU for too long and will most likely be able to breath on her own and I will be able to breast feed her. They are just worried about her weight. I will try to keep everyone posted.
My prayers are with you. I loved working in the world of high risk OB (of which you are now entering...I'm sorry). But I was witness to so many miracles. Take heart, you and your baby are much stronger than you think. My best advice? It's OK to cry, it's OK to be angry and afraid. It 's OK to think you can't do it. But take it one day at a time or one hour at a time. And be nice to those nurses...they can be your best allies and you may just end up making a new friend.
I feel so sorry for you, but I don't think you have any reason to worry about your baby. She is going to be fine, there are alot more people that are in worse situations with their baby, but I think that yours will be healthy and normal. Just follow the doctors advice and stay in bed like they say. You'll do great when it comes time for her to get here. Love ya!
Glad to see you finally got internet back. Was beginning to worry about your mental health sitting in a boring ole hospital room all day without it lol. Baby will be fine as will you ans remember I am always here for you and just a phone call away :)
I hope your stay at the hospital isn't too horrible... and that she can gain the weight that she needs. my thoughts are with you..
Aww hun..I am so sorry you are going through all of this, but I know that you are probably thinking of what you did wrong and let me tell you right now that you did nothing wrong! I am here if you need me. I am sorry I wasn't able to call you before this all went on. Timmy got the stomach flu so I really didn't have time for anything. Everything will work out think positive.
Love you and baby!
Tell Mike I said hi
Take care of yourself. I'll keep checking in here regularly now that Timmy is better.
Aww hun..I am so sorry you are going through all of this, but I know that you are probably thinking of what you did wrong and let me tell you right now that you did nothing wrong! I am here if you need me. I am sorry I wasn't able to call you before this all went on. Timmy got the stomach flu so I really didn't have time for anything. Everything will work out think positive.
Love you and baby!
Tell Mike I said hi
Take care of yourself. I'll keep checking in here regularly now that Timmy is better.
Aww hun..I am so sorry you are going through all of this, but I know that you are probably thinking of what you did wrong and let me tell you right now that you did nothing wrong! I am here if you need me. I am sorry I wasn't able to call you before this all went on. Timmy got the stomach flu so I really didn't have time for anything. Everything will work out think positive.
Love you and baby!
Tell Mike I said hi
Take care of yourself. I'll keep checking in here regularly now that Timmy is better.
Aww hun..I am so sorry you are going through all of this, but I know that you are probably thinking of what you did wrong and let me tell you right now that you did nothing wrong! I am here if you need me. I am sorry I wasn't able to call you before this all went on. Timmy got the stomach flu so I really didn't have time for anything. Everything will work out think positive.
Love you and baby!
Tell Mike I said hi
Take care of yourself. I'll keep checking in here regularly now that Timmy is better.
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