Friday, November 24, 2006

Sonogram Pictures

19 Weeks

Got a sonogram on Tuesday, we know the sex!

Everything is going really good, they said the baby is two days ahead of the schedule, but they then said that is perfectly normal. The baby is really active, likes to kick a lot which is the weirdest feeling in the world. We are getting ready to go see my parents, haven't seen them in 3 1/2 months. So that is going to be exciting! I am debating if I should tell you if the baby is a boy or girl. But I guess I should be nice. But I know a lot of people have been wondering so if you want to know its at the bottom of this post.

Pregnancy Symptoms: Big Belly, Still can't eat Chinese Food, Non-Shedding Hair, Oily Skin, & Achy Back

The baby is.... Drum Roll Please........................
A Girl

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

16 & 17 Weeks

Tomorrow I am 17 weeks along. We went to the OB today, everything is looking good! It took her ten minutes to find the babies heart beat. Which scared the living beegeebees out of me!

Then they had to take my blood to check for neural tube defects (Alpha Beta Protein Test)... 40 minutes later and lots of pokes and bruises later they still weren't able to get any blood, so I have to go back on Thur. to try again. Oh well at least they admitted their defeat and realized maybe I should come back.

On the 21st we get to find out if the baby is a boy or girl! M and I are very excited about this!